Daily Archives: August 20, 2011

already starting to feel like home

It’s only just a little over a week and I’m starting to feel like this place is home. I’ve just completed my first week of work and I really hate to say this because I don’t want to jinx myself, but I could not have designed a better job for myself if I tried.

After work on Friday, Michael, Andrea and myself took the tube down to Oxford Street to find an O2 store, so I can finally get my phone and an international tariff. My first attempt of getting an iPhone yesterday was pretty much unsuccessful. Apparently, I don’t have enough UK credit history to get a phone without a massive deposit needed to be put down. Super bummed about it. Oh, an apparently super is a very American thing to say. I’ve said it a couple times and get laughs and comments like, “I love how American you sound.” So, no worries for people back home, I’m not going to go all Madonna on you. However, I have noticed that I’ve been saying ‘right’ and ‘yeah’ at the end of a lot of sentences and using the word ‘love.’ And not in the way of loving someone(that would just be ridiculous), but as a term of endearment for your friends and even people around you.

We went on a bowling social with work last night. There was a bar tab open for all the employees for 2 hours. 3 Aspall’s later and another outdoor pub, some of my friends and I went to Nando’s. For all intents and purposes, it’s a chicken restaurant that has all these different sauces to choose from and cooked anyway you want. Simply. Amazing.

My second, and actually sunny, Saturday in London is going to consist of getting more organized around here. They don’t have Walmarts here, which isn’t a bad thing since I loathe that place. But trying to find some place that sells clothes hangers has proven to be not a fun task and I’m ready to stop living out of my suitcases. Time to go explore…


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